Sunday, April 12, 2020

Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay Essay Example

Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay Essay Throughout my arrangement I have been based in within a Children and Adult services statutory bureau which is governed by the Children Act 1989 and 2004. The arrangement has provided a learning chance within a assortment of scenes within the bureau, enabling me to reflect on my experiences and show my competences in relation to national occupational criterions and Social Work values. This treatment will concentrate on an history of life narrative work ( LSW ) Which I jointly undertook with a Foster Carer while being based within the settled attention squad. A is a 12 twelvemonth old immature individual who was capable to a Care Order under subdivision 31 of the Children Act. He has been accommodated along with his 15 twelvemonth old sister and 11 twelvemonth old brother since 2004. He was accommodated due to his female parents terrible and relentless disregard . A has two older half brothers, the oldest life with his Maternal grandma in a two bed roomed bungalow and the other with his male parent. A has had really small sporadic contact with his female parent due to her life style and no contact at all with his male parent. We will write a custom essay sample on Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Children were ab initio placed together with experient carers. The arrangement ended as it was reported that the behavior of the kids while together was unwieldy and each sibling was so placed with separate carers. A went to populate with older experient carers and the arrangement was successful, nevertheless following a figure of incidents including stealing personal properties from the carers and their neighbors, displayed aggressive behavior and verbal maltreatment and absconded from school on a regular footing. The carers decided to stop the arrangement and retire as they felt that they were acquiring to old to cover with disputing behavior from immature people . Another suited carer was identified by A s Social worker through dialogue with the Family Placement Team and A has been populating at that place for 4 months. A had found this experience really traumatic as he expressed that he had been happy at the arrangement and did non desire to go forth. It had been reported by staff at his school and his present carers that A has been inquiring a batch of inquiries sing his earlier life. A has really small callback of his formative old ages while populating with his female parent and siblings and is funny about his upbringing and events that led to him being placed into attention. A peculiarly asked to talk to his maternal grandma to beginning available exposure as she had been the lone Adult household member to maintain consistent regular contact. As ( Fahlberg, 2001p.325 ) suggests that it is of import to affect members of the kid s current household. The carers asked A if he would wish to research his early life in more item, and A stated that he would wish to research with both the Foster carers and if possible his Social Worker. During supervising session with my line director I was asked to set about LSW with A as his Social Worker was unable to finish LSW due to other instance burden force per unit areas. ( Thompson 2009 P 56 ) suggests that Effective supervising can frequently be the difference between ; success and failure . We discussed LSW and whilst there is no departmental statutory ordinances sing LSW with kids in long term Foster arrangements, it is considered good practise enabling the kid to understand important events in their yesteryear, confront the feelings which are secondary to these events, and go more to the full involved in the hereafter planning of their lives ( Hapgood, 1989 p.326 ) . It comprises of the three chief elements ; the assemblage of cherished objects, exposure and souvenir ; creative activity of a written narrative that explains the grounds for the kid s moves and gives information about household members ; and communicating of this narrative in a meaningful manner ( Ba ynes, 2008 p43 ) Therefore advancing and helping development, ego consciousness and self -worth ( Thorburn, 1994 ) . We besides identified that no old LSW had been undertaken and that I had been identified as the most suited individual to work with A as I had known him for a figure of Years and an appropriate relationship ( GSC 5.4 ) based on honestness and regard had been established. An available preparation session was besides identified which was being run for carers by the sections Family Placement squad. ( GSCC 6.8, ) Undertaking relevant preparation to keep and better your cognition and accomplishments and lending to the acquisition and development of others ( Thompson 2009 ( People Skills ) pg 76 ) farther suggests that go toing a preparation class is merely one portion of a learning procedure and may hold small consequence on subsequent pattern if the acquisition points are non applied and a brooding attack is non undertaken after completion. I so researched household chronology, instance notes and tribunal records which assisted in my cognition of A s background and gave me a clearer apprehension of all household members involved while doing me cognizant of any possible hazards ( such as safety while sing their places ) . Previous appraisals besides gave me a clearer apprehension of A s strength s and needs although it did non give a clear account of A s positions, which I identified I needed to obtain. Contact was so made by telephone ab initio to A s carers who had besides attended the recent LSW preparation. I explained my purposes and outlooks of finishing LSW hence supplying the chance to obtain their apprehension of A s demands and their positions and experiences of household kineticss while listening to their outlooks. ( GSCC 6.5 ) Working openly and co-operatively with co-workers and handling them with regard . We so negotiated an in agreement clip and topographic point for the first session. As I had already worked with ( A ) on old occasions confidentiality and other bureau policies had been explained ( GSC 2.3 ) I discussed in supervising the importance of including the carers, recognizing their value and part but I besides became cognizant that I had potentially disempowered A in non affecting him ab initio in holding the session. There was besides the hazard that the carers discussed my visit with A before I had the chance to talk to him which I feel A may hold fe lt anxiousness and excluded from the determination devising procedure. I Therefore telephoned both A and his carers. It was agreed for the first session to take topographic point at the carers house an environment were A would experience safe and at easiness with his milieus. We so discussed the procedure of LSW work as it is of import to be unfastened and honest of my function and restrictions. As it is difficult to foretell at the beginning how long the procedure will take as it depends upon the ability of the kid to prosecute, their age, the clip period that will necessitate to be covered, and what new disclosures the kid might work during the work . ( Luckock and Lefevre, 2008 p.229 ) I advised them of the limited timescales before my following arrangement started and understanding was made with the Carers and A that they would go on and update me at a ulterior day of the month when I returned to the squad. I recognised that A may necessitate clip to believe about these restrictions therefore I gave him several yearss before re-contacting him t o set up the following session. On reaching A he informed me that due to other committednesss that his carers would non be able to take part in the initial few Sessionss. Another suited day of the month could non be negotiated with A s carers and after discoursing this with A understanding was made to get down the first session without them. A day of the month and clip was the arranged to roll up A from school and so return him to placement. I besides informed A s carers, school and maternal grandma further guaranting their cooperation, reassurance and support. In order to demo being dependable and reliable ( GSCC 2.4 ) I ensured that I met A at the in agreement clip and topographic point. On the auto journey I was cognizant of the restrictions of exposing active hearing accomplishments due to deficiency of oculus contact and reassured him that I was listening by nodding my caput, uhhurring and the effectual usage of rephrasing. There was a figure of undertakings to be undertaken such as shopping to buy a bit book and stationary to help A s LSW. A took sometime taking a peculiar bit book which had a image of a music set that was A s favorite. We so visited A s maternal grandma at her place where A had been on legion old occasions hence advancing an environment where he would experience safe and relaxed. A s grandmother presented a figure of exposure which we so placed in chronological order. This gave A the chance to inquire a batch of inquiries and explicate to the best of his cognition the people in the exposure, where they where tak en and the feelings that this evoked. This besides gave the chance for A s grandma to state narratives which linked into the photographs some of which were rather amusing and lighting A s imaginativeness as he became more funny inquiring more inquiries. A so asked his grandma why his female parent was unable to look after him ; she informed him that A s female parent was a good female parent until she met a new fellow who introduced her to drugs, she so could non look after A all of the clip so hence, the female parent had felt it better that he was looked after by person who could. I assessed the state of affairs and asked A how he had felt at the clip which A replied that he had felt Sad but he was all right now . Although I was cognizant of the demand to discourse the state of affairs as it is frequently the fortunes environing the separation instead than the separation itself which can do injury ( Aldgate et Al, 1989 P 89 ) : I was besides cognizant that kids may ne cessitate to cleaving to a idealised version of events until they are ready to look more closely at what went incorrect ( Barnes, 2008 p48 ) . I concluded that while A needed further consciousness of inside informations that by reading facial look that he was experiencing stressed and hence changed the topic. As ( Thompson 2009 p115 ) suggests that sometimes facial looks are intentionally used to convey a message such as when person is dying. A s grandma suggested that we end the session at this point and allow A hold sometime with his older half brother playing on a playstation. I subsequently dropped A off dorsum at his carers and we all spent sometime discoursing the session although A exhausted most of the clip stating them about the playstation game. A 2nd session was agreed for the same clip the following hebdomad unluckily the carers were unable to go to and once more another suited day of the month could non be arranged. The 2nd session by A s facial looks continued to be a positive and happy experience until A asked his grandma why she had adopted his half brother and non any of the other kids. His Grandmother explained that she merely had a two sleeping room cottage and did non hold adequate room ; she besides was non in good wellness. A started to shout and was comforted by his grandma. I was emotionally affected as by this, I have a kid of the same age and I used a supervising session which followed to lucubrate on the experience. On the manner place in the auto I discussed the session with A and he stated that he still wanted to go on LSW even though it was at times upsetting that overall he was basking the work. All Sessionss were recorded within the bureau database ( and in line with the Date Protection act ) which ensured answerability and ensured that other co-workers were updated and cognizant of ongoing engagement. As there is no legislative or national or bureau policy or counsel relating to LSW with kids who are looked after I relied upon research to finish the procedure. I think that the bureau would profit from hold all staff go toing LSW preparation to guarantee that all workers are appropriately equipped to set about the undertaking. ( Barnes p44 ) suggests that LSW as a undertaking is given to workers with variable degrees of accomplishment and assurance and with small equal preparation or resources. I recognise that A s Social worker has a busy instance burden and clip restraints and the carers have other committednesss but I feel being to the full involved with LSW from the beginning would hold gone a long manner to bettering their relationship. On contemplation holding of other alternate methods and resources such as Video Diaries and Digital Life narrative work would hold given A more picks and options which I feel would hold further enhanced the experience of finishing LSW.

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