Thursday, August 27, 2020

[WATCH] How to start your own business according to CEO, Veronika Scott

[WATCH] How to go into business as indicated by CEO, Veronika Scott Again and again we don’t seek after our fantasies in light of the fact that we’re overpowered by the excursion that lies before us, and no one has had a more far-fetched venture than Veronica Scott.â Veronica was a workmanship school graduate who thought of a thought †a coat intended for vagrants that transformed into a hiking bed at night.â Not just was her idea focused for a crowd of people that didn’t have the ability to pay for them, yet Veronica had no item improvement or assembling experience from which to fabricate upon.Undeterred, she pushed ahead and now administers a $6 million activity, The Empowerment Plan, that is changing lives for a large number of vagrants all through the United States, by giving these exceptional coats, just as making business chances to make them.Veronica plunked down with Daily Fuel to share the best guidance she can to any individual who winds up in a similar circumstance she did; having a dream yet not realizing how to take that first step.Source: [DailyFuel]

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Russell Peters free essay sample

Russell Peters was conceived in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. His family is Anglo-Indian and is Catholic. His dad was conceived in Bombay, India and functioned as a government meat monitor and his mom was conceived in Calcutta, India. He started acting in Toronto in 1989. He has since likewise acted in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and some more. He has been named for four Gemini Awards the Canadian TV awards.He has likewise been assigned for Best Male Comic at the Canadian Comedy Awards. Russell Peters proposed to his better half Monica Diaz on July 10, 2010 at the Los Angeles International Airport. They got hitched on August 20, 2010 at A Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas and the wedding was gone to by around 20 visitors. Russell Peters and Monica Diaz had their first kid, a young lady, due February 23, 2011. His little girl was brought into the world more than two months ahead of schedule, on December 14, 2010.She was given the name Crystianna Marie Peters. We will compose a custom paper test on Russell Peters or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Russell Peters has showed up in a couple of movies, most as of late Senior Skip Day. Other than this, he has likewise had short appearances in the 1994 film Boozecan as Snakes Friend, the 1999 film Tiger Claws III and some more. Russell dwindles has additionally featured in his film (Russell subsides: re-appropriated) was seen on funny TV on August 16 2006. His film was well known particularly in Canada selling more than 100 000 duplicates. Between June 2008 and June 2009, in doing straightforward standup satire and just 1 film, Russell Peters earned over $10 million Making him one of the most generously compensated humorists during in that year time span. Russell Peters utilizes his minority status to permit him to ridicule various races in his exhibition, yet as indicated by a meeting accomplished for The National (CBC), he doesn't plan to put down or annoy various races and societies, however rather attempts to raise them up through funniness.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write an Essay About Yourself

How to Write an Essay About YourselfSo you want to write a short essay about yourself? In fact, this may be one of the easiest ways to write a high-quality essay that will be accepted by a college or university. This way, you are giving yourself the opportunity to really show your abilities, skills and interests.It is natural to write about yourself when you start to write a thesis or a paper on your personal or professional background. In addition, you can even use this technique to create an essay that will be used for an academic evaluation. Before you try to write a personal essay, make sure that you know how to write a thesis and a paper about yourself.You might be wondering how to write your own essay about yourself, since you probably already know what a syllabus is. This is the process by which you would be asked to summarize your past history and skills, as well as providing examples from your life to prove that you have learned from your mistakes. Basically, you need to pro vide an overview of your life, while at the same time identifying the highlights of your successes and achievements. Some examples of topics include: the activities that you participated in, the person who have made a big difference in your life, and the things that you have achieved that are worthy of appreciation.As mentioned, it is natural to write a personal essay about yourself when you start to write a thesis or a paper on your personal or professional background. In addition, you can even use this technique to create an essay that will be used for an academic evaluation.In high school student, essays are often written about topics that are relevant to the course requirements. In order to learn more about how to write a thesis and a paper about yourself, you can ask the help of your professor. For example, if your professor is a biology professor, you can ask him or her to provide some advice on how to write a personal essay about yourself.If your professor refuses to provide any assistance on how to write a personal essay about yourself, then it is natural to feel frustrated. You can try to get tips from other students and professors in your class, so that you can gain more confidence in writing a personal essay about yourself.There are some common mistakes that you need to avoid when writing a personal essay about yourself. It is important to make sure that your essay does not contain any contradictions, as this will make the reader wonder whether or not your judgment is correct. Do not forget to take into account your reader's background.When you write a personal essay about yourself, make sure that you will give enough attention to all aspects of your life. The topic that you choose to write about will also play a major role on the outcome of your essay. Therefore, it is wise to choose a topic that is specific to your subject and will give you the best insight to your life.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay about Desecration of the American Dream in Glengarry...

Desecration of the American Dream in Glengarry Glen Ross Glengarry Glen Ross portrays a harsh view of American business that not only contradicts, but also befouls the values of the quot;American Dream.quot; The idealistic importance of fairness, equality, and the idea that hard work brings success included in this quot;dreamquot; of American society is clearly not reality in this play. The values of work ethic, and equal opportunity are betrayed, and there is a notable presence of racism, sexism, and an savage system of quot;dog-eat-dogquot; competition. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A main focus of the play is the never-ending hunt for leads. quot;Leadsquot; are cards containing information on prospective customers with†¦show more content†¦21). Dave Moss, another salesman later refers to Polish clients as quot;deadbeat Polacksquot; (p 29). He then goes on to degrade Indian clients. Richard Roma, a recently successful salesman also refers to Indians as quot;deadbeat wogs,quot; and says, quot;[if] Fuckin Shiva handed him a million dollars and told him sign the deal, he wouldnt sign.quot; (p. 63). America is proud of its reputation as a quot;melting potquot; for many races from all over the world all coming together. However, this type of racial hatred makes the description of American society as a quot;salad bowlquot; seem much more accurate. These statements clearly show the contempt for minorities, as generally hard-working immigrants are criticized for their conservation in spending money. The presence of sexism is more subtle, but nonetheless notable. There seems to be an assumed connection between masculinity and selling ability. Shelly Levine attributes manager John Williamsons inability to run an office and poor business ability to his lack of masculinity, saying, quot;you dont have the ballsquot; (p. 76). Richard Roma also attacks Williamson, calling him a quot;cunt,quot; and asking, quot;Whoever told you you could work with men?quot; (p. 96). Levine also insults Williamson for his incompetence, saying that he quot;isnt man enoughquot; to know what to do, after informing a client that hisShow MoreRelatedGlengarry Glen Ross, Desecration of the American Dream in765 Words   |  4 PagesDesecration of the American Dream in Glengarry Glen Ross Glengarry Glen Ross portrays a harsh view of American business that not only contradicts, but also befouls the values of the American Dream. The idealistic importance of fairness, equality, and the idea that hard work brings success included in this dream of American society is clearly not reality in this play. The values of work ethic, and equal opportunity are betrayed, and there is a notable presence of racism, sexism, and an savage

Friday, May 15, 2020

Should The Mandatory Detention Policy Be Allowed

The mandatory detention policy in Australia is a legal requirement to detain non-citizens without a valid visa. It was first introduced in 1992 by the Australian Labour Party led by Paul Keating, as a response to the number of boat arrivals seeking asylum in Australia from the aftermath of the Vietnam War. In 1976 to 1981, the first wave of 2000 asylum seekers landed in Australia, where they were sympathetically allowed entrance, followed by a quick grant of a refugee visa status as they were assumed to be ‘genuine refugees’. However, continuous boats arrived been 1989 and 1994 which caused concern within the Australian public as there were issues of increased unemployment (Phillips, 2000). Although detention was still discretionary and not mandatory, an enactment of the Migration Legalisation Amendment (1989) introduced changes to the system of processing boat arrivals. In his speech, Gerry Hand (1992), the then Minister of Immigration stated that the new policy change is only intended to be an â€Å"interim measure†¦for a specific class of persons†. However, it was subsequently extended to all ‘unlawful’ non-citizens with the enactment of the Migration Reform Act (1992). The Act established a new system of distinguishing a ‘lawful’ and ‘unlawful’ citizen. The changes effectively introduced a policy of ‘administrative detention’ for all people entering Australia without a valid visa, or any others present in the country unlawfully (i.e. without a valid visa), while theirShow MoreRelatedAsylum Seeker And Refugee Response977 Words   |  4 Pagesseekers and the challenges Australia is facing. Currently we have a policy called operation sovereign boarders. Operation sovereign boarders is a military led response to stop people smuggling and protect Australia’s boarders. This was voted in by the Abbot government in September 2013 during the federal election. 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Some people says government should consider the needs of people coming by boat as they have reached here after risking their lives and facing a lot of difficulties but some says that these people don’t have any right to live in Australia as they came here with an illegal way. PeopleRead MoreObama s Immigration Reform Policy952 Words   |  4 Pagesobservation report I have chosen to talk about Obama’s immigration reform policy. It seems as if immigration has been an on-going issue in the United States for quite some time. Whether people are for it or against it; immigration has always been a topic of discussion. We may not see it on the news everyday but we are surrounded by the discussion at home, in school, around friends, and even co-workers. Policy Overview Obama’s policy which goes by the name of the Common Sense Proposal, is tackling theRead MoreThe Delinquency Is A Symptom Of A Deep Disturbance Of Personality1658 Words   |  7 PagesThe delinquency is a symptom of a deep disturbance of personality. Is that profound disturbance which should favor the social rehabilitation: psychotherapy, drug therapy, individualized institutional, etc. Young offenders are not monsters. They are people like many others, who had never committed any criminal act. When the offender is an adolescent or child, a disturbing dissonance between the seriousness of the violation of law and the idea that it is generally the nature of the child or adolescentRead MoreThe Usa Patriot Act, a Controversial Public Policy, Julius Taka2951 Words   |  12 PagesThe USA Patriot Act of 2001 is a controversial public policy, which greatly undermines the civil liberties and constitutional freedom of the American people. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Quantitative Article Review - 1204 Words

Purpose for Research This study intended to examine the effectiveness of initiatives implemented regionally, and determine if the leadership formation activities accomplished their intended purpose of successfully improving the leadership quality and the quantity of future candidates available to fill leadership positions. Research Questions The research question deals with the issue of how to address the critical shortage of qualified candidates needed to fill school leadership positions. Formation experiences that will effectively increase both quantity and quality of potential leaders are analyzed as a possible solution to these concerns. To answer the needs three specific areas are examined, â€Å"(a) the implications of current†¦show more content†¦The participants of clearly the individuals from three separate cohorts, however the researchers do no specify if all individuals in each of the three cohorts are sampled or if only a portion of them participated in the research. This is an important issue that needs to be addressed by the researchers, although the number and sex of participants from each cohort is reported, the differences in sampling selections could present a significant difference in the conclusions obtained from the research data. Type and Methodology of Research Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this research. Six separate quantitative measures were used to identify the effectiveness of the leadership formation experiences offered by leadership academies. Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluation of training was selected to categorize the measures into a four-level framework to ensure that the study used a comprehensive evaluation method. Qualitative data was collected from the narrative portions on the reaction surveys, written summaries of leadership potential as assessed by superintendents and mentors, academy experiences, and journals kept by the academy participants. In regards to the selection of research instruments, there were major reliability and validity issues with several measures. The researches used a Participant Reaction Survey, Superintendents and Mentors Reaction Survey, Evaluation Measures for Role-Plays, Evaluation Measures for In-basketShow MoreRelatedQuantitative Arti cle Review: Violence in Schools1158 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Quantitative article review: Violence in schools Quantitative, as opposed to qualitative research is a data-driven exercise in which a population is scientifically analyzed using an experimental and control group: In quantitative research your aim is to determine the relationship between one thing (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population. Quantitative research designs are either descriptive (subjects usually measured once) or experimental (subjectsRead MoreQuantitative Research Article Review Essay2100 Words   |  9 PagesQuantitative Research Article Review The quantitative research article that I chose to review was a study completed by Dougherty and Thompson (2009), found in Research in Nursing Health. Very few researchers have focused their study on the impact of cardiac arrest and ICD implantation on a patient’s intimate partner. 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Identify the: (i) Title of the article ‘The effect of vaccination on children’s physical and cognitive development in the Phillipines’ (ii) Author(s) of the article (Note: surname will suffice) Bloom

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The influences of telenovela programs of the two major television network in the philippines free essay sample

Kapuso or Kapamilya? Which of the two do you prefer? These terms are well-known in the Philippines because this symbolizes the major T. V networks in the Philippines television and this really influences most of the people. Most of the Filipino people always talk about the shows of these two networks, sometimes they even debated about what network has the highest ratings. If someone says Kapuso, they are talking about the GMA network and surely they are watching most of the shows of this network like Prinsesa ng Buhay ko, Adarna, and Villa Quintana. And if someone says Kapamilya, they are talking about ABS-CBN network and they are probably watching the shows Be careful with My Heart, Annaliza and Honesto. GMA network Incorporated, a Philippines multi-media conglomerate, is a television network in the Philippines. GMA provides news and entertainment programs through its forty seven fully owned television relay stations, four affiliate television stations and thirty four radio stations throughout the Philippines. The network also offers its shows worldwide through GMA PinoyTV, GMA LifeTV and Internet TV myGMA. com. ph. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation (Alto Broadcasting System-Chronicle Broadcasting Network) is a Philippines-based multi-media conglomerate. It is an integrated media and entertainment company in the Philippines with 42 subsidiaries. ABS-CBN is principally involved in television and radio broadcasting, as well as the programming for domestic and international audiences and other related business. Ever since the 1ate 1940s when television first became available, social scientists have been interested in its effect on behavior. Originally seen as entertainment for adults and older children, television in the twenty-first century is watched by all age groups, including infants. More than 80 percent of homes in the Philippines have at least one television set. Many have more. Factors that increase the likelihood of heavy television viewing by student include low socioeconomic status, living in a single parent household, and being born to a teenage mother. Viewing time is also increased by parental beliefs that television viewing does not hurt student and improves their vocabulary and imagination. Heavy parental television viewing, multiple television sets at home, television in the childs bedroom, and using television to distract student all increase the likelihood that student will become heavy television and video watchers. It is generally believed that television has become a very powerful medium and its contact, no doubt, can change the likes and dislikes, learning and social habits. In recent years increased attention has been focused by many professionals with regard to its impact on human lives at any stage of development. Television is considered to be potentially strong agent for children, adolescents and other family members, especially with its combined effects of audio and visual. The impact is more on adolescents because they are more impressionable than adults. The study focuses in â€Å"The Influences of Telenovela Programs of the Two Major T. V network in the Philippines television (ABS-CBN and GMA Network) among 4th year students of Betis High School (BHS). Conceptual Framework The researchers must conduct interviews among the fourth year students of Betis High School and do a long process to meet the output of the study which is the influence of the telenovela programs of the two major TV network in the Philippine television (ABS-CB and GMA Network) among the fourth year students of Betis High School. INPUTPROCESSOUTPUT Statement of the Problem The study will present the influences of Telenovela programs of the two major Television networks in the Philippine television (ABS-CBN and GMA network) among the 4th year students of Betis High School. Specifically wants to answer the following questions: 1. What is the gender/demographic profile of the viewers? 2. How large is the number of viewers of telenovela programs from Kapuso network? From Kapamilya network? 3. What shows are most watched? 4. What are the positive values the viewers get? Negative values? Assumptions 1. Most Female students watch telenovela programs from ABS-CBN. 2. More students from Betis High School watch ABS-CBN Telenovela programs. 3. Most of the viewers get positive values when watching Telenovela programs. Null Hypothesis 1. There is no significant relationship between gender and watching telenovela programs. 2. There is no significant relationship between age and the TV network. 3. There is no Significant relationship between Telenovela programs and values. Significance of the Studies Students/Viewers Through the study, the students will know how the influences of the shows of these TV networks affect the daily living of every individual whether it is a good influence or bad that a student may use his/her own lifestyle. They can also gain knowledge and values being promoted by these networks. Parents The research will provide knowledge to the parent’s on the different values a person may get from the shows being televise in these two networks that they may teach or even prohibit to their children. They will also be aware of what shows that their children should not watch. Through this, they can guide their children in watching the right shows and that are appropriate to watch. Teachers This study will also provide more knowledge to the teachers from watching the shows of these networks that they may use in teaching the students the right values. They can also relate their lessons on the shows to provide good examples and for the students to understand the lesson well. Readers The readers of the study will know the importance of the values that a person may get from watching the shows of the two network of how these can influence and affect the lives of the viewers. Scope and Delimitation The study explores the influences of the television shows to the viewers. It will specifically tackle the influences of the telenovela programs from the two major T. V network (GMA and ABS-CBN network) among the fourth year students only of Betis High School. Definition of Terms 1. ABS-CBN A major commercial television network in the Philippines. It is the oldest and the leading television network in the country 2. Adolescents Students with ages 13 to 19 years old. 3. Arrogance An attitude of being too proud of oneself. 4. Conglomerate A system of having made up of parts from different sources or kinds. 5. Deceitful An attitude of being dishonest and making people believe what is not true. 6. Enviousness An attitude of wanting or desiring what others have. 7. GMA A major commercial television radio network in the Philippines. GMA Network is commonly signified to as the Kapuso Network in reference to the outline of the company’s logo. It is headquartered in the GMA Network Center in Quezon City and its transmitter is located at Tandang Sora Avenue, Barangay Culiat also in Quezon City. The original meaning of the GMA acronym was Greater Manila Area, referring to the initial coverage area of the station. As the network expanded it changed into Global Media Arts. 8. Hardworking An attitude of working without any complaints and just doing your best. 9. Humbleness An attitude of being down to earth and not bragging of what you have. 10. Kindness An attitude of doing good things to others. 11. Loyalty An attitude of sticking to people you love. 12. Quarrelsome An attitude of always starting a fight. 13. Respectful An attitude of respecting people. 14. Socioeconomic A condition where status is being defined 15. Telenovela A drama series aired on television every week days. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature Related Literature The origin of GMA can be traced to DZBB of Loreto F. de Hemedes, Inc. owned by Robert â€Å"Uncle Bob† Stewart, an American war correspondent (The company’s name was christened after Stewart’s Wife). The station first went on-air on June 14, 1950 at the fourth floor of the Calvo Building in Escolta, Manila. It went on to cover events such as President Ramon Magsaysay’s sudden death, the eruption of Mt. Hibok-Hibok on March 17, 1957 and the various elections in the country. DZBB became the first radio station in the country to use the telephone patch for live interviews. The station also broadcast the forerunner of today’s political satire programs with Kwentong Kutsero and glued audiences to the amateur radio contest, Tawag ng Tanghalan. A decade after the radio station’s launch, the Stewarts ventured into television. Using two cameras and a surplus transmitter, channel 7, the Philippines third television station, started airing on October 29, 1961. While the station’s programming like Uncle Bob’s Lucky Seven Club, Dance Time with Chito, Lovingly Yours, Helen and various news programs. During the establishment of the television station, it was always in the red and was always at a distance from the larger and better funded networks. But it did not stop the company to start broadcasting system in 1970. On September 21, 1972, then President Ferdinand Marcos placed the entire Philippines under Martial Law. Military troops entered radio and television stations and placed them under military control to prevent â€Å"Communist† propaganda. All media outlets that were critical of the Marcos regime were shut down. Foreign citizens and corporations were disallowed from owning media outlets in the country. Stewart and the American Broadcasting Corporation, who owned a quarter of the company, was forced to cede majority control to a triumvirate composed of Gilberto Duavit, a Malacanang official, Menardo Jimenez, ad Felipe Gozon in 1974. Through the acquisitions, the station now was able to broadcast in color with a seven million peso credit line. The station also changed its name to GMA Radio-Television Arts (GMA stood for Greater Manila Area, the station’s initial coverage area), although RBS remained its corporate name until 1996. Jimenez sits as president of the company while Gozon served as its chairman. International reach became GMA’s target in the 1990’s which began when the Rainbow satellite launched on April 30, 1992. Through its relay stations, GMA programs were seen across the archipelago and Southeast Asia. GMA programming started airing 60 American cities and parts of South America through the international channel network. GMA was also the official broadcaster of the 1995 World Youth Day, which was the last visit of Pope John Paul II to the country. In 1996, GMA formally changed its corporate name to GMA Network incorporated now standing for global media arts. GMA Films was also launched in the same year. Its film Jose Rizal, which was at the time the most expensive movie production ever in the country (costing over 80 million Pesos to produce) but becoming a huge success with many accolades and award nominations. On October 27, 2002, during an episode of the network’s Sunday afternoon entertainment show Party Pilipinas, GMA officially revealed a new logo and image campaign. The new logo features a rainbow colored heart, the Kapuso represented by a new slogan â€Å"Kapuso Ng Pamilyang Pilipino, Anumang Kulay ng Buhay† (â€Å"One in Heart With the Filipino Family, In Whatever Colors of Life†) The nucleus of what ABS-CBN would be began in 1946 with Bolinao Electronics Corporation (BEC). BEC was put up by James Linderberg, the father of Philippine television, an ex- GI and electronics engineer who went into radio equipment assembly and radio broadcasting with DZRH as the top station. In 1949 James Linderberg shifted Bolinao to radio broadcasting with DZBC and masterminded the introduction of television to the country in 1953. In the 1951, Linderberg partnered with Antonio Quirino, brother of then President Elpidio Quirino in order to try their hand at television broadcasting. In 1952, BEC was renamed as Alto Broadcasting System or ABS. †Alto† was a contraction of Quirino’s and his wife’s first names, Tony and Aleli. Though they had little money and resources, ABS was able to put up its TV tower by July 1953 and import 300 television sets. The initial test broadcasts began on September of the same year. The very first full-blown broadcast, however, was on October 23, 1953, of a party in Tony Quirino’s home. The broadcasting channel was known as BZAQ-TV channel 3. In turn, on September 24, 1956, the Chronicle Broadcasting Network (CBN) was organized. The network was owned by Don Eugenio Lopez Sr. The following year, Don Eugenio acquired ABS from Quirino and Linderberg. However, it was only on February 1, 1967 that the corporate name was changed to ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation. Now, ABS-CBN has extended its footholds in the country. Likewise, they provide content for Studio 23 on UHF and for the ABS-CBN news channel (ANC), Hero, Myx, Knowledge Channel, Lifestyle Network, Cinema One, Balls, Velvet, and Maxxxon cable. ABS-CBN has established regional stations and news bureaus to handle operations in different areas throughout the Philippines. It also broadcasts to locations all over the world via the Filipino channel, managed by ABS-CBN global LTD. Plans to undertake an initial public offering (IPO) the following year and might list on the Singapore stock exchange to help finance its expansion plans. In 2008, ABS-CBN celebrated their 55th year in television. For the first time in Philippine TV History, ABS-CBN started the year by launching three primetime shows last January 28, 2008. And they also launched Walang Iwanan sa BayaniJuan in June 12, 2008 in coincidence with the celebration of 110th Philippines Independence. Related Studies According to the study of Tannis Mcbeth Williams from, The Impact of Television, did extensive surveys around the her town, which she code-named Notel. They also did control studies at a town with a single TV channel (Unitel), and one with four broadcast channels and cable (Multitel). They studied the towns twice: once before TV came to Notel (Phase 1), and again after it had had TV for two years (Phase 2). The towns were all similar in size (around 700 within town limits, and several thousand in the surrounding district), economic base (logging, mining, and farming), income (around C$7000 per family), and class structure (~10% professional/business, ~60% skilled labor/farmers, ~20-30% unskilled labor). All had small libraries, weekly newspapers, telephones, and regular road and rail service. Using towns with and without TV allowed Williams to filter out changes over the two years that might be common to all rural towns in BC. Using towns with only one channel versus many decreased the effect that the programming itself had. Notel and Unitel got only the CBC, whereas Multitel got the CBC and the US networks. The CBC does run commercials, but it had a 60% Canadian content requirement and did not run ads on shows for kids under 12. (Interestingly enough, many Canadian cities get the US public network, PBS, and in fact Canadians contribute a good part of its funding. ) The studies were done on various grades in the public schools, and on the towns as a whole. They were both longitudinal and cross-sectional, that is, if students in grade 2 were studied in Phase 1, the same students (if they could be found) were studied in grade 4 two years later, and new students in grade 2 were also studied. Background data on the students was also gathered, such as their IQ scores (which, incidentally, are illegal to give out in California) and the socio-economic status of their families. According to Sharon H. Bolling, with her study the Negative Effects of Television on the Academics Performance of a Child, stated that many television shows for young viewers are educationally based. In an article for The Future of Children, Heather L. Kirkorian, et al, say it still is important to limit the amount of time spent watching even these types of shows to minimize potentially negative side effects. Such viewing does not need to be completely eliminated, though. In the past, many theorists stated that viewing too much television affected a childs ability to pay attention and focus. However, Kirkorian points out that there is only weak evidence supporting such claims, and researchers find it difficult to control other environmental influences that could cause higher levels of inattention. Academic Outcomes With the availability of portable media outlets only growing, it is easy for children to view several hours of television a day whether at home, in the car or elsewhere. In a 2005 study published in The Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Robert J. Hancox, M. D. , et al, found that excessive television watching is associated with poorer academic performance and educational progress. His results indicate that too much television in childhood is a strong predictor that a child will not attain a university degree as an adult. David C. Diehl and Stephanie C. Toelle, in their 2008 article for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida, reported that television viewing during infancy is associated with language delays, and children in homes where the television is almost always on are at risk for reading difficulties. However, when preschoolers and school-age children watch regulated amounts of educational shows, it can have a positive impact on language development and school readiness skills, like phonics. Putting boundaries in place is an important part of parental discipline in all areas of a childs life, including watching television. Diehl and Toelle suggest that parents carefully choose educational programming, keep televisions and computers out of a childs room, set rules limiting use of media, and create alternative family activities. By developing daily routines and establishing rules regarding television viewing during infancy and childhood, parents promote healthy learning habits early. Structured routines can decrease the risk of learning and academic performance issues as a result from television viewing and media use. Summary The researchers, though the study, realized that TV viewing may replace activities that we know may help with school performance, such as reading, doing homework, pursuing hobbies, and getting enough sleep. The study shows that TVs effects on education were long term. Watching more TV in school days increased chances of dropping out of school and decreased chances of getting a college degree. Watching TV at age 13 was one factor found to be associated with bullying in grade school. Lastly, the researchers wanted to say that dont abuse any television and media electronic programming as they can bring goodness or badness. Conclusion Data have been gathered and analyzed, the researcher have concluded that the influence of the two major TV network to the lives of the students of Betis High School is far most to be considered very influential. Recommendation Students/Viewers Students must choose the right shows to watch on televisions. Parents Parents must be aware and be guided on the shows that their children have been watching on televisions. Teachers Teachers must recommend the right shows to the students. They must add some homework regarding watching television. Readers The future researchers who wish to make an offshoot of it on any related topics can use this study about TV networks.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay Essay Example

Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay Essay Throughout my arrangement I have been based in within a Children and Adult services statutory bureau which is governed by the Children Act 1989 and 2004. The arrangement has provided a learning chance within a assortment of scenes within the bureau, enabling me to reflect on my experiences and show my competences in relation to national occupational criterions and Social Work values. This treatment will concentrate on an history of life narrative work ( LSW ) Which I jointly undertook with a Foster Carer while being based within the settled attention squad. A is a 12 twelvemonth old immature individual who was capable to a Care Order under subdivision 31 of the Children Act. He has been accommodated along with his 15 twelvemonth old sister and 11 twelvemonth old brother since 2004. He was accommodated due to his female parents terrible and relentless disregard . A has two older half brothers, the oldest life with his Maternal grandma in a two bed roomed bungalow and the other with his male parent. A has had really small sporadic contact with his female parent due to her life style and no contact at all with his male parent. We will write a custom essay sample on Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reviewing The Social Policy Guidelines Legislation Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Children were ab initio placed together with experient carers. The arrangement ended as it was reported that the behavior of the kids while together was unwieldy and each sibling was so placed with separate carers. A went to populate with older experient carers and the arrangement was successful, nevertheless following a figure of incidents including stealing personal properties from the carers and their neighbors, displayed aggressive behavior and verbal maltreatment and absconded from school on a regular footing. The carers decided to stop the arrangement and retire as they felt that they were acquiring to old to cover with disputing behavior from immature people . Another suited carer was identified by A s Social worker through dialogue with the Family Placement Team and A has been populating at that place for 4 months. A had found this experience really traumatic as he expressed that he had been happy at the arrangement and did non desire to go forth. It had been reported by staff at his school and his present carers that A has been inquiring a batch of inquiries sing his earlier life. A has really small callback of his formative old ages while populating with his female parent and siblings and is funny about his upbringing and events that led to him being placed into attention. A peculiarly asked to talk to his maternal grandma to beginning available exposure as she had been the lone Adult household member to maintain consistent regular contact. As ( Fahlberg, 2001p.325 ) suggests that it is of import to affect members of the kid s current household. The carers asked A if he would wish to research his early life in more item, and A stated that he would wish to research with both the Foster carers and if possible his Social Worker. During supervising session with my line director I was asked to set about LSW with A as his Social Worker was unable to finish LSW due to other instance burden force per unit areas. ( Thompson 2009 P 56 ) suggests that Effective supervising can frequently be the difference between ; success and failure . We discussed LSW and whilst there is no departmental statutory ordinances sing LSW with kids in long term Foster arrangements, it is considered good practise enabling the kid to understand important events in their yesteryear, confront the feelings which are secondary to these events, and go more to the full involved in the hereafter planning of their lives ( Hapgood, 1989 p.326 ) . It comprises of the three chief elements ; the assemblage of cherished objects, exposure and souvenir ; creative activity of a written narrative that explains the grounds for the kid s moves and gives information about household members ; and communicating of this narrative in a meaningful manner ( Ba ynes, 2008 p43 ) Therefore advancing and helping development, ego consciousness and self -worth ( Thorburn, 1994 ) . We besides identified that no old LSW had been undertaken and that I had been identified as the most suited individual to work with A as I had known him for a figure of Years and an appropriate relationship ( GSC 5.4 ) based on honestness and regard had been established. An available preparation session was besides identified which was being run for carers by the sections Family Placement squad. ( GSCC 6.8, ) Undertaking relevant preparation to keep and better your cognition and accomplishments and lending to the acquisition and development of others ( Thompson 2009 ( People Skills ) pg 76 ) farther suggests that go toing a preparation class is merely one portion of a learning procedure and may hold small consequence on subsequent pattern if the acquisition points are non applied and a brooding attack is non undertaken after completion. I so researched household chronology, instance notes and tribunal records which assisted in my cognition of A s background and gave me a clearer apprehension of all household members involved while doing me cognizant of any possible hazards ( such as safety while sing their places ) . Previous appraisals besides gave me a clearer apprehension of A s strength s and needs although it did non give a clear account of A s positions, which I identified I needed to obtain. Contact was so made by telephone ab initio to A s carers who had besides attended the recent LSW preparation. I explained my purposes and outlooks of finishing LSW hence supplying the chance to obtain their apprehension of A s demands and their positions and experiences of household kineticss while listening to their outlooks. ( GSCC 6.5 ) Working openly and co-operatively with co-workers and handling them with regard . We so negotiated an in agreement clip and topographic point for the first session. As I had already worked with ( A ) on old occasions confidentiality and other bureau policies had been explained ( GSC 2.3 ) I discussed in supervising the importance of including the carers, recognizing their value and part but I besides became cognizant that I had potentially disempowered A in non affecting him ab initio in holding the session. There was besides the hazard that the carers discussed my visit with A before I had the chance to talk to him which I feel A may hold fe lt anxiousness and excluded from the determination devising procedure. I Therefore telephoned both A and his carers. It was agreed for the first session to take topographic point at the carers house an environment were A would experience safe and at easiness with his milieus. We so discussed the procedure of LSW work as it is of import to be unfastened and honest of my function and restrictions. As it is difficult to foretell at the beginning how long the procedure will take as it depends upon the ability of the kid to prosecute, their age, the clip period that will necessitate to be covered, and what new disclosures the kid might work during the work . ( Luckock and Lefevre, 2008 p.229 ) I advised them of the limited timescales before my following arrangement started and understanding was made with the Carers and A that they would go on and update me at a ulterior day of the month when I returned to the squad. I recognised that A may necessitate clip to believe about these restrictions therefore I gave him several yearss before re-contacting him t o set up the following session. On reaching A he informed me that due to other committednesss that his carers would non be able to take part in the initial few Sessionss. Another suited day of the month could non be negotiated with A s carers and after discoursing this with A understanding was made to get down the first session without them. A day of the month and clip was the arranged to roll up A from school and so return him to placement. I besides informed A s carers, school and maternal grandma further guaranting their cooperation, reassurance and support. In order to demo being dependable and reliable ( GSCC 2.4 ) I ensured that I met A at the in agreement clip and topographic point. On the auto journey I was cognizant of the restrictions of exposing active hearing accomplishments due to deficiency of oculus contact and reassured him that I was listening by nodding my caput, uhhurring and the effectual usage of rephrasing. There was a figure of undertakings to be undertaken such as shopping to buy a bit book and stationary to help A s LSW. A took sometime taking a peculiar bit book which had a image of a music set that was A s favorite. We so visited A s maternal grandma at her place where A had been on legion old occasions hence advancing an environment where he would experience safe and relaxed. A s grandmother presented a figure of exposure which we so placed in chronological order. This gave A the chance to inquire a batch of inquiries and explicate to the best of his cognition the people in the exposure, where they where tak en and the feelings that this evoked. This besides gave the chance for A s grandma to state narratives which linked into the photographs some of which were rather amusing and lighting A s imaginativeness as he became more funny inquiring more inquiries. A so asked his grandma why his female parent was unable to look after him ; she informed him that A s female parent was a good female parent until she met a new fellow who introduced her to drugs, she so could non look after A all of the clip so hence, the female parent had felt it better that he was looked after by person who could. I assessed the state of affairs and asked A how he had felt at the clip which A replied that he had felt Sad but he was all right now . Although I was cognizant of the demand to discourse the state of affairs as it is frequently the fortunes environing the separation instead than the separation itself which can do injury ( Aldgate et Al, 1989 P 89 ) : I was besides cognizant that kids may ne cessitate to cleaving to a idealised version of events until they are ready to look more closely at what went incorrect ( Barnes, 2008 p48 ) . I concluded that while A needed further consciousness of inside informations that by reading facial look that he was experiencing stressed and hence changed the topic. As ( Thompson 2009 p115 ) suggests that sometimes facial looks are intentionally used to convey a message such as when person is dying. A s grandma suggested that we end the session at this point and allow A hold sometime with his older half brother playing on a playstation. I subsequently dropped A off dorsum at his carers and we all spent sometime discoursing the session although A exhausted most of the clip stating them about the playstation game. A 2nd session was agreed for the same clip the following hebdomad unluckily the carers were unable to go to and once more another suited day of the month could non be arranged. The 2nd session by A s facial looks continued to be a positive and happy experience until A asked his grandma why she had adopted his half brother and non any of the other kids. His Grandmother explained that she merely had a two sleeping room cottage and did non hold adequate room ; she besides was non in good wellness. A started to shout and was comforted by his grandma. I was emotionally affected as by this, I have a kid of the same age and I used a supervising session which followed to lucubrate on the experience. On the manner place in the auto I discussed the session with A and he stated that he still wanted to go on LSW even though it was at times upsetting that overall he was basking the work. All Sessionss were recorded within the bureau database ( and in line with the Date Protection act ) which ensured answerability and ensured that other co-workers were updated and cognizant of ongoing engagement. As there is no legislative or national or bureau policy or counsel relating to LSW with kids who are looked after I relied upon research to finish the procedure. I think that the bureau would profit from hold all staff go toing LSW preparation to guarantee that all workers are appropriately equipped to set about the undertaking. ( Barnes p44 ) suggests that LSW as a undertaking is given to workers with variable degrees of accomplishment and assurance and with small equal preparation or resources. I recognise that A s Social worker has a busy instance burden and clip restraints and the carers have other committednesss but I feel being to the full involved with LSW from the beginning would hold gone a long manner to bettering their relationship. On contemplation holding of other alternate methods and resources such as Video Diaries and Digital Life narrative work would hold given A more picks and options which I feel would hold further enhanced the experience of finishing LSW.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Business Organization CheckPoint Essays - Types Of Business Entity

Business Organization CheckPoint Essays - Types Of Business Entity Business Organization CheckPoint BUS/210 February 27, 2014 Business Organization CheckPoint Valeria Wallace opens her own restaurant called Valerias Cuisine. To raise the $150,000 in capital she needs, Valeria chooses to form a joint-stock company in which she sells stock to Tom Parker, Bill Carpenter, and Susan Moore. Each investor contributes $50,000 and will share 60% of this venture with Valeria retaining 40%. Since this is a joint-stock company, all will be personally liable if the business fails (University of Phoenix, 2007). This means that Valeria, Tom, Bill, and Susan could be sued by the creditors for outstanding invoices (University of Phoenix, 2007). Timothy Pearson wants to open a car wash called Sparkle Car Wash. He needs $50,000 in capital in order to start and chooses a limited liability company in which he sells stock to Jim Burton and Jane Ashmore. Each of these investors contributes $25,000 and will share 70% of this venture with Timothy retaining 30%. If Timothys business fails, Jim and Jane will only lose their investment of $25,000 since this is a limited liability company (University of Phoenix, 2007). Karen Willingham and Justin Duncan, both lawyers, decide to form a partnership. Karen has been practicing law for 25 years and contributes $75,000. Justin has only been practicing for 10 years and contributes $35,000. They agree that the profits will be split 60% and 40% respectively. As their law firm grows, they add another partner, Joe Sutton. Joe has been practicing for 5 years and contributes $10,000. With another partner, they agree that the profits will be split 55%, 35%, and 10% respectively. John Reed opens a pet store called Johns Little Furry Friends as a sole proprietorship. Since this is a sole proprietorship, John raises all the capital, makes all the decisions, and assumes all the risks (University of Phoenix, 2007). REFERENCES University of Phoenix. (2007). Jones: Introduction to business: How companies create value for people. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BUS 210 - Foundations of Business website.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Phase 1 Discussion Board Schedule and Cost Control Techniques Essay

Phase 1 Discussion Board Schedule and Cost Control Techniques - Essay Example After this survey we have to analyze the gathered data from the survey. This analysis sub phase provides all required information for our project seclude and cost estimation. After this analysis sub phase next comes the design sub phase of the project in which we have to design all events and process that are necessary for the completion of this project. In this phase we also demine expected expenditure, estimate time required, and main events of the up gradation project. Then next phase is Executing Phase. Here we hire a software development team for the implementation of this new upgraded email system, now our project team completes the work related to all aspects of this up-gradation. Here an impotent phase is controlling phase that will run in a parallel way with all other phases. In this phase we control the time, cost, manpower required, resources needed and all things that are associated with is project. We analyze all the ways like project is running on time, is any module required additional time, then managing time in such a way that additional time is not required. Cost and expenditure monitoring is done in such a way that no extra resources will be needed along the way. Then the last and final phase would be Closing Phase: here we have to ensure that the project work is complete successfully, we have to confirm and verify that the deliverables and then completed out the project finances, panel reports, and lessons learned are all documented and analyzed that all thing are well and new email system is working properly. Cost estimation is one of main and difficult part of any project (Chamoun, 2006). All project depends on this estimation, if this estimation goes wrong then lot of complexities might occur during the project. So in our Email Up-gradation project we have to estimate the cost in such a way that no complicity can happen, and project can be completed successfully. As a project manger it is my

Friday, February 7, 2020

France Past Present and Future Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

France Past Present and Future - Research Paper Example It started with the formation of Occidental France which came into existence due to Treaty of Verdun in the year 843.The first kings were called the Capetians, who came into power with a lot of aspirations to expand their territories. They exerted much pressure on churches,towns and the people who existed in those days.This kingdom was regularly faced with challenges due to inflation from kings of England. The re-annexations of Languedoc and Normandy in the 13th century marked an important step in the unification of the kingdom. In the 9th century, France lost the County of Barcelona.Later, Louis XI re-captured it back together with his other prerogatives. The prerogatives gained back were Burgundy, Anjou and Provence which from 1481-1482 had been part of the Holy Roman Empire. Further unification of the kingdom came about when Anne of Brittany got married to Charles VIII first and later to the Louis XII. Earlier the two had remained as distinct regions but that marriage brought about the annexation of the two into the French Kingdom in the year 1532. Louis XIV and Richelieu from 1635-1748 embarked on a mission to further expand the territories of the French Kingdom towards the Rhine and the north.This is because after the French had lost the French Flanders in 1526, the Austrian royal houses situated near f the French Capital had started to pose some danger. Later between the year 1648 and 1789 other territories such as the Alsace, Franche-Comtà © and Artois were annexed into the French Kingdom.The annexation of Duchy of Lorraine came in 1766 and together with the purchase of Corsica in 1768 led to formation of a strong consolidated block. The period of French Revolution by the First Empire enabled French Kingdom toexpand temporarily on the left bank of River Rhine.The kingdom during this period remained somehow stable until 1789 when it became vague due to lack of a particular line.In 1815,

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Example of Business Report Essay Example for Free

Example of Business Report Essay Executive Summary The purpose of this report was to investigate a student club at a private university in Jakarta, which is called BNEC (Bina Nusantara English Club) at BINUS University. BNEC is a non-profit English organization for undergraduate students of any major studying at BINUS University. Its main purpose is to develop its members’ English skills by providing TOEFL, Debate, Scrabble, Spelling Bee, Public Speaking, and Performing classes. BNEC has actively participated in various national and international competitions. The strengths of this organization can be seen from many national and international achievements that this unit has achieved. The main reason for its success was due to its strong leadership sustainability, which allowed the changing leaders and committees of the unit always manage to accomplish the set targets and goals. Moreover, its tight selection  process for the new members has resulted in highly proficient English participants, readily supporting the arranged activities. Lastly, the high-quality training programs available have contributed to a rigorous and intensive practice of using English for public performances. However, the unit has some areas for improvement. For example, the communication styles between supervisors and subordinates were sometimes problematic, as all participants underwent the learning process of teamwork communication. The unit has also developed a certain degree of arrogance and pride, which even widened the gap between the unit with other lower proficient students studying in the university, and thus developing and strengthening its exclusivity. After taking both strengths and weaknesses into consideration, it is recommended that BNEC should begin to develop more social programs, carefully designed to help their fellow students outside their organization in the university, or even to other marginal members of the society living near the university, to improve their English proficiency and establish BINUS University and its surrounding areas as the English as a Second Language (ESL) area. 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this report was to investigate a student club at BINUS University, namely BNEC (Bina Nusantara English Club), and recommend a suitable solution to its problems and some suggestions for its future development. 1.2 Scope When investigating BNEC, it was important to consider its current conditions in terms of its organizational structure, management/leadership style, materials development, marketing/promotion, programs and training. 1.3 Method The information used in this report was collected by having some interviews with personnel in BNEC, including the chairman, secretary, treasurer, promotion team, program coordinators, and some members. 1.4 Limitations PICs and members were sometimes difficult to meet Important information is difficult to collect †¦. 1.5 Assumptions It has been assumed that BNEC has not proved effective and efficient in running the organization. As the members actively participate in its programs and activities, it has been assumed that the implementation of its training programs shows little contribution to improving their proficiency levels. As most BNEC programs have generated many awards and prizes, it is assumed that there are still programs that do not result in significant achievements. 1.6 Background BNEC was established in 1992. It is the only English-based student unit at BINUS University. Its main purpose is to develop the member’s English skill by providing TOEFL, Debates, Scrabble, Spelling Bee, Public Speaking, and Performing classes. BNEC also actively participates in a variety of national and international competitions. It has achieved many achievements. Besides these, it is also widely acknowledged for its event organizing. BNEC was awarded The Best Student Organization in 2010, 2011, and 2012 by BINUS University. 2. Findings 2.1 Strengths Strong communication channels among members A variety of programs offered Active and supporting team members †¦. 2.2 Weaknesses Less involved in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs Focused only on one main headquarters, no branches Limited resources for programs development †¦. 3. Discussions 3.1 (Organization Structure) – this is just an example – Generally, BNEC consists of three big departments, which are ‘Information and Development’, ‘Product and Achievement’, and ‘Marketing and Communication.’ Each department has its own unit. In total, BNEC has 12 units, which are managed by the Board of Management. In the author’s perspectives, the way the organization is structured brings out some problems. For example, †¦.. 3.2 (Management and Leadership Style) All Board Management at BNEC are carefully selected, and each of them plays an important role in running the organization. †¦. 3.3 (Resource Development) †¦. 3.4 (Marketing and Promotion) †¦. 3.5 (Programs and Training) †¦ 4. Conclusion After investigating BNEC, it was found that †¦. It is important to consider the long term benefits to the organization when considering which programs or events were best conducted. †¦. The management style had to be easily adaptable for new opportunities such as †¦. †¦. 5. Recommendations and Implementation The findings and conclusion in this report support the following recommendations: The board of management needs to adapt to †¦ Programs need to be developed based on †¦.. Members must have email or online access on their electronic gadgets to enable them to be in contact with the organization at all times All marketing and promotion team should negotiate price and ongoing service agreements with external parties To reduce the organization long term expenses: The organization could investigate the viability of †¦. †¦. Training programs available for members should have the maximum duration of 1.5 months (6 weeks) 6. References

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Ethnicity and Soccer :: essays research papers

Ethnicity and Soccer: The effect of non-English speaking immigrants on the establishment of soccer in Canberra in the 1950s and 1960s. Abstract: Soccer in Canberra as a sport had died prior to the war. The advent of Australia’s new immigration policy after 1945 saw a solid influx, over the next two decades, of non-English speaking Europeans to Australia and through their input they assisted in the re-emergence of soccer as a main sport in the region. From the Baltic states to the Southern Europeans of Greece and Italy, the change to the Canberra landscape was quite dramatic; soccer was one that benefited significantly. In the days prior to the second world war ethnicity evolved around that of Scottish and non-Scottish when dealing with the sport of soccer in the region. In all the records of those who played soccer up until 1933, there was only one non-British player even though a number of Italians and others were working in the district. When Australia opened it’s migration policy, after 1945, to include those from a larger number of non-English speaking backgrounds, many moved to Canberra to help build the Capital during the construction boom of the period. Yet this did not create the harmony that was hoped for. Familiarity was essential to post-war immigrants. Australian culture was alien to new arrivals and Australians were at best indifferent to immigrants and sometimes antagonistic to the newcomers. A long-held Australian distaste for anything not British also helped drive immigrants into self-contained communities, their organisations serving as bulwarks against the British-Australian majority. Soccer clubs in immigrant communities were an instrument through which all elements of life could be sustained. They enabled individuals to interact, establish patronage links, support networks and social contacts. They were institutions which could be used to create tightly-knit communities and they were valued as a way of retaining the support of the youth. There was a continuing fear among older immigrants that their children would abandon their heritage in favour of Australian ways. (1) Following the second world war, soccer in the district did not return until 1948, when a team participated in the Goulburn competition. The sport moved back to Canberra in the following year although competitions were rare, and reporting of these even rarer. In those few years following the recommencement of play, soccer teams comprised of mixed ethnic origins, yet team names were still mainly geographical. In 1951 four teams entered a competition – Turner, Ainslie, Capitol Hill and Olympics.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Open Method Of Coordination Education Essay

The Open Method of Coordination was introduced at the Lisbon European Council meeting in 2000, and is described as a new policy instrument composed of four nucleus constituents. First, moving in concert, both the Member States and European establishments set fixed guidelines for the EU. Second, there are quantitative and qualitative indexs and benchmarks. Third, guidelines are transferred into domestic policies and policy-objectives, and eventually, besides included in this new policy instrument are common larning procedures such as benchmarking, monitoring and peer reappraisal are present ( see Eberlein and Kerwer 2004:123 ) . The European Employment Strategy ( EES ) , frequently referred to by some faculty members as â€Å" the female parent of the OMC † ( Smismans 2004:2 ) , was established in 1997 merely three old ages before the OMC was born. The EES laid introduced employment issues as a corporate European job and from so on, it has become the basis for the EU function in the coordination of its Member States ‘ employment policies ( Watt 2004:118 ) . Harmonizing to a textual analysis of the EES, employment policy in the EU is a â€Å" mobilisation of human resources † ( Zangle 2004:11 ) and execution of active labor market policies ( ALMPs ) , alternatively of forestalling unemployment. One of the most important constituent and strengths of the OMC and the EES is the possibility it presents for histrions to reciprocally larn from each other ‘s policy ( Goetschy 2004:7 ) . Indeed, â€Å" societal acquisition is an knowing effort to modify the aims or methods of policy in reac tion to old experience and new information. We can believe of policymaking procedure as therefore consisting of three cardinal variables: the cardinal aims that usher policy in a given sphere, the methods or policy instruments used to accomplish those aims and the specific context of these instruments † . In the context of the OMC and EES, the construct of common acquisition consists of such instruments as benchmarking, periodic monitoring, peer reappraisal exercisings and rating. These constructs are introduced to promote the designation and transportation of the ‘best patterns ‘ which are so assumed to take to new policy thoughts, institutional agreements, policy execution and formation of corporate penchants. By take parting in this procedure, member provinces are expected to non merely better their national labor market policies but should besides endeavor to meet towards the employment policy recommendation recommended at the EU degree. Although, the OMC recognizes national diverseness through the development of common acquisition and multi-level administration, nevertheless, the foundation for achieving common convergence is besides present within common aims, benchmarking, and rating and within policy coordination itself. This is precisely what some faculty members have described as an built-in tenseness in the OMC ( see Goetschy 2004 ) . Specifically, there is a contradiction between the accent on the method as a tool giving Member States the freedom to develop at their â€Å" ain gait † , and the of import demand to voyage the procedure of policy alteration in the way of â€Å" convergence towards EU aims † ( Radaelli 2004:14 ) . It is exactly the deduction for the common acquisition procedures in footings of this contradiction that this paper concerns itself with. In the visible radiation of this contradiction, we will try to confirm the premise which reads: the statements between the claims of â €Å" diverseness † and â€Å" convergence † epitomized in the OMC and the EES nowadayss both opportunities and restrictions with respects to the procedure of common acquisition for the Member States.The theoretical deductions of the opportunities and restrictions of Mutual LearningWith the debut of the OMC in to the EU, Mutual acquisition as a construct has attained wholly new intending. From this position it is non merely larning between national authoritiess that counts ( â€Å" horizontal acquisition † ) , but besides there is turning characteristics of perpendicular coordination at EU administration degree, and horizontal and perpendicular acquisition ‘from below ‘ ( â€Å" bottom-up † ) . When observed from the national degrees, the function of the policy larning procedures under the EES, opportunities and restrictions of their execution can be viewed from different theoretical point of views. One may get down at the macro-theoretical degree deducing and clarifying policy transportations. For illustration, new institutionalism argues that way dependences limit larning particularly in the visible radiation of the assortment of institutional models and public assistance governments in Europe ( Lodge 2003:18 ) . One may besides get down with the principal-agent and two-level game theories to analyze the complex interaction between member provinces, the civil society and the EU establishments. Buchs ( 2004 ) has applied this attack in his analysis concludes that the function of province in this great game is that of an intermediary between the EU degree and civil society and that larning procedures can be understood by detecting this interaction ( 2004:4 ) . The impression of patriotism can besides be used to assist depict the reluctance of certain member provinces to take part in the policy acquisition procedures and the transportation of policies. from this position â€Å" national pride, reluctance to reassign sovereignty, and the self-pride of the province are of import, histrions dickering both over benchmarking marks, public presentation measuring, and benchmarking consequences † ( Zangle,2004:10 ) . However, in this paper the opportunities and restrictions of the common acquisition procedures will be critically analysed within the horizon of the built-in tenseness between the ‘evidence-based policy doing ‘ and ‘constructive agnosticism ‘ attacks. There is no uncertainty that the vision articulated by the interior decorators of the OMC and the EES consist of both the practical, statistical, direct grounds to hasten learning procedures and their national results, qualitative and quantitative indexs to be used in benchmarking and grander end of accomplishing convergence. Conversely, regard for the national diversenesss, acknowledgment of diversenesss, state of affairss, demands and, the involvements of the Member States are besides incorporated in this new manner of administration. Both opportunities and restrictions are rooted in this twofold and sometimes even contradictory nonsubjective and procedure.‘Evidence-based policy devising ‘The Ã¢â‚¬Ë œevidence-based policy doing ‘ attack is located within the rationalist school of idea which assumes that policy determinations are made between another class of action on the footing of what works in a different topographic point, and in a practical manner. Hence, instead than anchoring policy determinations on political orientation, they are grounded on the empirical grounds collected elsewhere ( Sanderson 2002 ) . so â€Å" it seems to be rational common sense to see policy as a purposive class of action in chase of aims built upon careful appraisal of alternate ways of accomplishing such aims and effectual execution of the selected class of action † ( Sanderson, 2002:5 ) . Consequently, this point of position argues that there are two cardinal types of grounds that are required to better effectual authorities action. First and first, grounds is required which confirms the operational capacity of the different authorities bureaucratic machine in the policy are under optimum public presentation. Second, grounds is required which to advance betterment through more efficient methods and schemes. Whereas in the former grounds is fundamentally required in the signifier of information on different constituents and marks of public presentation ( Sanderson 2002:3 ) . In the later, there is a qualitative difference in that grounds is basically required in the signifier cognition about how good specific policies and patterns work elsewhere, and how the policy intercessions reform societal systems ( ibid. )OpportunitiesThe ‘evidence-oriented policy doing ‘ attack contends that there are four major ways grounds can edify the development and execution of policy. First, determinations about what policy actions to follow in a given policy field can be learned by grounds of the likely effectivity of that policy penchants. Second, grounds collected from antecedently implemented policies maps as a foundation for the prospective deliberations of policy penchants and possibilities. Third, grounds besides plays an of import function in placing non on the most of import jobs in that policy field but besides those jobs that should be accorded the highest precedence in policy intercession. And, eventually, improved cognition about policy jobs and possible policy penchants can assist to affect the concerned stakeholders in a healthy argument about how to put aims ( Sanderson 2002:4 ) . This attack therefore depends on the grounds ( normally quantitative ) that both in theory and pattern determines effectual policy penchants. This positivist attack submits that opportunism ( in this instance attributable to provinces as entities ) and rational behavior might supply solution to public policy jobs. As a consequence, this attack leads to the hypothesis that what works in one province should besides work in other, since there are monolithic statistical and scientific grounds in the field where policymakers can pull valuable lessons from ( Hill 2005:51 ) . The chief drift for looking at old enforced policies and institutional agreements and larning by supervising and rating is because larning is a agency to cut down mistakes ( Radaelli 2004:6 ) . Learning from the experience of others can be more efficient than larning from one ‘s ain experience, since it minimizes the hazard of failures. Therefore, histrions are able and willing to utilize larning within organisational webs under the OMC, as they believe in the possibility of happening a solution for their several jobs within this web, utilizing it as â€Å" radio detection and ranging † ( ibid.7 ) . In add-on, benchmarking entails the comparative measuring of public presentation of one organisation against other organisations, within a defined mark ( Heritier 2002:5 ) . From this position, it suggests comparing member provinces against each other within the employment guidelines and indexs. This procedure, so, can be said to be the learning procedure in pattern, since it entails looking for the ‘best patterns ‘ in order to extinguish the chance of public presentation spreads on eventual acceptance of the policy penchant. Benchmarking can be defined as a â€Å" practical tool for bettering public presentation by larning from best patterns and the procedures by which they are achieved † ( O'Reagain and Keegan in: Schludi 2003 ) . Furthermore, different strand of faculty members define a benchmark in a instead mechanical and rational manner, declaring it to be â€Å" a criterion or point of mention against which things may be compared or assessed † ( ibid 2003 ) . Hence, from this position, benchmarking denotes the comparative rating of public presentation and the obliteration of predominating public presentation spreads, based on qualitative standards.RestrictionsHarmonizing to Graham ( 1999:5. ) , there are â€Å" seven Nemesiss † to ‘evidence-based policy ‘ viz. ; bureaucratic logic, the bottom line, consensus, political relations, civil service civilization, cynicism and clip. First, bureaucratic logic entails that misreading of the current state of affairs and gathered grounds is a impeding factor to any policy development. From this point of position, bureaucratic logic is phrased as â€Å" things are right because they have ever been done this manner † ( ibid. ) and there is no ground to alter it, even if the prevalent manner of policy-making is epistemologically flawed. â€Å" The bottom line † refers to the thought that the effectivity of policies can non be measured by quantitative and quali tative confirmations entirely because in pattern, policy is built on consensus instead than on beyond doubt grounds. Policy in pattern involves an extended procedure of audience carried out to find different involvement and penchants of all concerned histrions, and the bounds of a solution that will fulfill every one of these histrions. A outstanding restraint in the designation of ‘best pattern ‘ is that it does non basically place the suited scheme by which it can be applied to different institutional scene. Even if granted that policy larning consequences to reform, the precise policy transportation might be unsuccessful. Indeed, Dolowitz and Marsh ( 2000 ) , claim that there are some noteworthy factors that cause policy transportation to diverge from the marks set by policy-makers doing the transportation. For illustration, the failure of the importing province to retroflex the transferred policy in conformity with the marks set by policy-makers of the exporting province can be as a consequence of uneducated transportation, particularly if there is non equal information about the policy and how it should operates in another institutional scene. Finally, Dolowitz and Marsh talk about unsuitable policy transportation if adequate attending is non paid to the different economic, societal, political and i nstitutional background in the importing member province.‘Constructive agnosticism ‘For the ‘constructivist agnosticism ‘ attack, given that cognition of the societal universe is non merely socially constructed and culturally every bit good as historically dependent ; cognition and acquisition, and their functions in policy-making are complex issues. Harmonizing to this point of position, policy acquisition and development is understood as a â€Å" procedure of deliberation which considers beliefs, rules and actions under conditions of multiple frames for the account and rating of the societal universe ( Dryzek,16 ) . The rating of the common acquisition procedures can non merely be reduced to a â€Å" proficient exercising † since like all the other facet of the policy-making ; it is conditioned by different penchants, norms, values, and alone institutional backgrounds. Consequently, the rating of any procedures or experience should be based on a communicative and argumentative procedure ( Sanderson 2003:338 ) . As Schwandt contends, there is a demand for â€Å" critical intelligence † which is fundamentally â€Å" the ability to inquiry whether the terminal is deserving accomplishing. It does non name for merely basic cognition of effects, but the willingness and capacity to debate the value of different terminals of a pattern † ( Schwandt in: Sanderson 2003:338 ) . Given that the fluctuations in national fortunes are high, it can be reasoned that non merely â€Å" what counts is what works † , but â€Å" what is appropriate † is besides of import for each spec ific national circumstance. In short, the consideration of the rightness of the agencies and terminals of a policy procedure is of extreme importance ( ibid: 332 ) .OpportunitiesHarmonizing to this position, dependance practical grounds to pull direct policy determination can non be absolute. â€Å" It is recognized that cognition comes in different signifiers † ( Campbell 2002:89 ) , and as such, it is non merely the experts who should play a function in decision-making but besides non experts, since no cognition is a waste. In short, when policy shapers are on the quest to larn lessons â€Å" their ain state ‘s yesteryear is the best topographic point to get down † ( Dolowitz and Marsh 1996:351 ) . By looking back into the historic yesteryear, †actors learn non merely what has worked, but can besides larn and cognize what non to reiterate † . Therefore, cross-national and bottom-up benchmarking has a inclination to uncover the flaws inherent in national policies, circumvent uneffective policies, avoid dearly-won policy bloopers, and challenge those patterns that have seized to be effectual, which in the terminal, increases the legitimacy of policy penchants and policy tools used. The increasing diffusion of thoughts and information is an obvious chance for national policy-makers. It does non needfully imply statistical and scientific confirmations for policy-making, but it can take to the imitation of utile thoughts and determinations at the national degree. It besides entails the airing of corporate linguistic communication, i.e. peculiar look which has specific intending both for the EU development in societal policy and its Member States likewise. Even though academic research on the common policy larning instruments gestate benchmarking, in a instead proficient manner, we argue in this paper that it besides has cognitive and normative values, which can be seen as a chances and possibilities provided by this sort of policy larning to fight for the convergence in end products. â€Å" Benchmarking may help in developing and justifying policy responses that are improbable to be discovered within a member province ‘s prevalent institutional scenes. As a consequence, it may work as an instrument to loosen up the frequently strong way dependence of predominating public assistance province constructions † ( Heinze et al. in: Schludi 2003:13 ) . Given the high extent of national public assistance traditions diversenesss, benchmarking in societal policy at the EU degree should be able to acknowledge these diversenesss and admit its auxiliary value, i.e. it provides the footing for the exchange of ‘best patterns ‘ and experience without the demand to enforce a top-down solution.RestrictionsThe danger and restriction to the acquisition might besides come from a state of affairs, when engagement is neglected and the nucleus of the OMC is formed merely by politicians and experts, therefore, alternatively of ‘opening-up ‘ the procedure, it becomes even more technocratic. â€Å" Negative lesson-drawing † is besides of extreme importance. If common acquisition between member provinces becomes excessively concerted to the extent that sufficient attending is no longer paid to negative lessons or policy failures, it may be wise to pretermit of import alternate solutions and take a more independent critica l expression at benchmarking. Put otherwise, larning is abetted by mistake inasmuch as by success ( Radaelli 2004:26 ) . Therefore, the challenge is to happen a right balance between the co-op and competitory acquisition ( ibid. ) , and by so making, authoritiess may utilize their ‘critical intelligence ‘ and withdraw from policy reforms because of what they have learnt ( Schludi 2003:14 ) .The EES and common acquisitionHaving provided an extended analysis of the theoretical deductions of common acquisition, the paper will now turn to the European Employment Strategy to analyze how the tenseness between the claims of ‘divergence ‘ and ‘convergence ‘ are treated in the OMC and how it influences the Member States cooperation in the EES model. The chief intent of the EES was to set up a legal footing of Community-level action in the employment policy country ( while taking national diverseness in this policy country into history ) , with the specific aim to increase the efficiency of the European Social Model through occupation creative activity and high employment rate. Besides, the EES was built in such a manner that it should work as a accelerator of the best performing national employment policies.4.1 Contradiction between ‘divergence ‘ and ‘convergence ‘ – impact on Member StatesWith respects to the European Council ‘s decisions the co-ordinated employment policy was built on the following. To get down with, the Commission introduces general designs of the finest employment scheme for Member States to follow. Then, after a deliberation with administrative officials from the Member States employment guidelines are established. Additionally, quantitative and quantitative indexs are e stablished to be used in benchmarking. The guidelines in concurrence with the established indexs are what organize the footing of national action programs ( NAPs ) ( Trubek and Mosher 2002 ) , which are so formulated by single Member States. Each Member State has to supply a elaborate history of how it plans to implement the guidelines. Furthermore, the results of the prevalent national employment policy and ‘best patterns ‘ that might function as possible theoretical accounts for other Member States are included ( Zandstra 2004:10 ) . Once the NAPs have been submitted, the committee so prepares so called Employment Package which contains the analysis of the NAPs, specific and general Council recommendations to single member provinces. It is the Council who has the concluding say on the concluding version of the Employment Package ( ibid. ) . Through the usage of equal reappraisal and exchange of good patterns, every member province is straight challenged with the programs and patterns of other member provinces. This so helps to secure the criterions by which to mensurate its ain public presentation ( Trubek and Mosher 2003:77 ) , at the same clip, it besides exerts force per unit area on each member province to endeavor for better results. But the principle behind the recommendations issued by the Council and their aim are progressively being greeted with double feelings from Member States. Groenendijk ( 2004 ) contends that the principle behind the recommendations is nil more than â€Å" appellative and dishonoring † , and that the OMC as a soft power policy-making instrument is at times referred to as a â€Å" ordinance by embarrassment † . Nevertheless, through the recommendations the Member States are besides informed about the built-in defects of their employment policies, and they are in a alone state of affairs to larn new ways of making things or copy new thoughts harmonizing to what they have been recommended. The pick of action still lies with Member States ; nevertheless, the shadow of force per unit area goes on. In the visible radiation of the foregoing, one of the most hard undertakings facing the EES is to happen the relative balance between the force per unit area to exercise on Member States to accomplish the formulated guidelines and still to esteem their diverse national policy agreements ( de la Porte 2002:41 ) . The indexs and guidelines are established in such a manner that a periodic comparative rating of member provinces against each other is carried out. The benchmarking procedure so is grounded on the chosen indexs. â€Å" In the model of OMC, it is the agencies to measure the success of the application of the method, and to set force per unit area on take parting Member State to meet towards jointly defined aims † ( ibid.42 ) . Therefore, the defined standards with respects to different policy constituents, ends and impacts, can be prompted both from the top-down and from the bottom-up attack. Anyways, there is a significant force per unit area for each Member State to a chieve these benchmarks. Many surveies conducted in this country have identified a figure of jobs with respects to the execution of the EES ( see Goetschy 2002 ; Watt 2004 ) . Among other grounds, the expected impacts of common acquisition might non be attained if a figure of stakeholders who are supposed to take part are non take parting. Furthermore, the extended comparative rating of the Member States ‘ public presentation originates from the top-down attack, since they are carried out by the European committee and the Council. Yet, it has been argued that the provinces will conform merely to those corporate ends and recommendations that are of national importance, irrespective of the sum of force per unit area ( de la Porte 2002:43 ) . It is dubious whether there will be common acquisition except the mechanisms integrated in the scheme are implemented and implemented in an effectual manner.Reasoning commentsThis paper adopted two theoretical attacks viz. , ‘evidence-based policy doing ‘ and ‘constructive agnosticism ‘ so as to expose the theoretical deductions sing the chances and restrictions that confronts the EU Member States take parting in the common acquisition. With respects to the execution of the EES, serious attending is paid both to qualitative and quantitative dimensions of common acquisition. This is exemplified in the statements of both the ‘evidence-based policy doing ‘ and its ‘constructive agnosticism ‘ opposite number. From this position, it is the analysis of these theoretical positions that help the geographic expedition of the â€Å" tenseness † portion of the EES and its impact on the policy acquisition processes. Indeed, the necessity to obtain proficient cognition about best patterns elsewhere has to be combined with the application of a â€Å" critical cognition † , rating of the rightness, and reading of the qualitative and quantitative confirmations that relates to the specific national i nstitutional contexts. In add-on, this procedure, as visualised in the design of this policy attack, should be both ‘top-down ‘ and ‘bottom-up ‘ . This so put the capacity of different histrions to prosecute in the acquisition processes into serious uncertainties. The deduction is that member provinces, while voluntarily take parting in common acquisition, are supposed to be on changeless hunt for the ‘best patterns ‘ , to copy or emulate these best patterns in order to better their ain national employment policies. However, there is an component of force per unit area nowadays in the signifier of informal countenances and the equal force per unit area with the purpose to endeavor for the convergence towards the EU ends in this policy country. Therefore, the force per unit area, different agreements of common acquisition, and rational, normative or practical elements they involve, can supply both chances and restrictions for Member States, since t heir national institutional context, degrees of development, and structural aspects are clearly different. This would besides propose that what is seen as a restriction for one Member State, might be a opportunity for another.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Comparing Sexuality and Power in Dracula and Buffy the...

Comparing Sexuality and Power in Dracula and Buffy the Vampire Slayer At first glance, Joss Whedons Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the hour-long TV series which premiered in 1997 and is now in its third season, bears little resemblance to the book which started the vampire craze -- Bram Stokers Dracula, published a century earlier. And yet, looks can be deceiving. Although the trendy -- and often skimpy -- clothing and bandied about pop-culture references of Buffy clearly mark the series as a product of a far different culture than that of the Victorian England of Dracula, the underlying tensions of the two texts are far similar than one might think. Beneath the surface differences in the treatment of their heroines, the two texts†¦show more content†¦Just how the forces of good organize themselves in each text reveals much about the assumptions about gender roles present in their cultures of origin. Buffy Summers, a teenage girl, is the Vampire Slayer -- One girl, in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the. . . the strength and skill to hun t the vampires, to stop the spread of evil (Giles/Buffy, Welcome to the Hellmouth) -- and her friends, the so-called Slayerettes, and her Watcher Giles only provide assistance and support. Draculas Mina is merely a minor -- and weaker -- member of a large group of men, including her husband, who fight in order to protect her. Without doubt, the image of the petite Buffy fighting and killing vampires week after week forces the viewer to recognize her strength and power. Despite her physical passivity in the novel, sweet-faced, dainty-looking Mina reveals she too is strong and necessary to the fight against evil, even if in less obvious ways (226). Seward credits Minas skill in typing and work in compiling hers, Harkers, and his diaries with providing the key without which they could never have found the dates otherwise (232). The information she provides while under hypnosis -- visions echoed in Buffys prophetic dreams (Welcome to the Hellmouth, Prophecy Girl, Surprise, Innocence) -- makes