Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Coca Cola Marketing Campaign Of Introducing New Drink In China

Question: Discuss about the Coca-Cola Marketing Campaign Of Introducing New Drink In China. Answer: Introduction Marketing campaigns refer to a planned course of action to market and offer a product or service. This report describes the reasons for Coca-Cola marketing campaign of introducing new drink in China which was unsuccessful in this country. The main objective of this report is to identify the reasons behind the failedmarketing campaigns of a brand in a different market. Marketing campaign of introduced new drink of Coca-Cola According to Kaplan Haenlein (2011), Coca-Cola has fulfilled some great accomplishments in advanced promoting, not slightest its massive after via web-based networking media and different polar bear crusades. The organization attempts various creative propelling efforts, for example, Coca-Cola Happiness Machines which are unique coke dessert equipments apportion items including liquor, pizza, blooms, and sandwiches. The brand get huge number of good customer views and positive response on the social website such as YouTube, gaining it a large number of perspectives which help the organization to build a strong reputation in the market towards the brand, and become more competitive, and increase their profitability and growth rate in the market. Another advancing exertion of Coke zone is a prizes program introduced in 2008, in Australia, set up with the purpose of finding customer's encounters, empowering customer engagement and assisting with general client relationship association endeavors (Keller et al., 2011). The program conducted for the marketing of product introduced by Coca-Cola in Australia which was successful and gaining many rewards for the successful implementation in the country. Reasons for failed marketing campaign of new drink of Coca-Cola According to Cugelman et al. (2011), the major reasons which show the marketing campaigns of Coca-Cola new drink was unsuccessful in China are explained as follows: Unable to understand target audience: According to Kaplan Haenlein (2011), marketing campaigns are often started from the perspective of what organization wants to offer. Understanding the target audience is the big part of the campaign. In introducing new drink by organization in China was unsuccessful because Company was not focusing on the target audience of country for their product. Huiyuan has provides Coke genuinely important market entrance in third-and fourth-level urban areas. Company ignores less-developed areas which affect the sales of Coke and the consumers of these areas are too poor that they are not able to purchase the high cost of products. Insufficient research: The new drink of Coca-Cola is a mix combination of Coke and Diet Coke, with 35 percent lower kilojoules. The company offers its new drinks to its customers in China without examining the proper research of the market segments of China. They are not investigating properly the customer taste and preference towards drink and the marketing strategies was not appropriate which attract the customers towards their product. They are not investigating the research about the markets in China and the customer preference and taste about drinks. China preferences, tastes, and execution are distinct from those of other cultures. On the other side, Coca-Cola ignores the factor of localization of Chinese market which damages a brand as badly as not having sufficient localization. Company when entering into the Chinese market must ensure that the balance between localizing and handling the real picture of brand was maintained or not. This factor was not considered by organizati on which will make their marketing campaign unsuccessful for introducing a new drink in China (Miller Lammas, 2010). Price and Market segmentation across different channels: Each promoting channel satisfies an alternate reason, so the company must strategize for each promoting channel exclusively. The company may run different campaigns on diverse channels or use distinctive systems out and reach channel achieves distinctive personas. The marketing campaign of Coca-Cola new drink was unable to attract the customers towards its products. Cost is other important promoting factor to evaluate, and the localization also needs to identify the correct harmony between different closures of scope. As Chinas per capita GDP is $6076 USD, as compared with Australias $67723. Coco-Cola operating in China does not alter their costs of products to reasonable levels and the results of this will affect their business as they are not able to bear the cost of product of company. Company not considered the price level differences in Chinese market of the country, as there are huge differences in the income levels of co nsumers. However, Coca-Cola charged the lowest cost possible for their marketing campaign of introducing a new drink in the market without considering the high perceived value of product. Inappropriate supremacy: According to Moodie et al. (2013), Huiyan is the biggest privately owned juice manufacturer in China. It is involved in the production and sales of juice and other nourishments products. Huiyan whose inventory is exchanged on the Hong Kong trade, is the biggest manufacturer of pure orange juice in the country with over 40 percent of the market share. On 3 September 2008, Coca-Cola Company decided to purchase China Huiyan Juice for HK$17.9 billiion per share. On March 17, it was declared that Coca-Cola was considering about surrendering the arrangement, as Chinese authorities demanded on relinquishing the Huiyan brand name after acquisitions. Huiyan would have set Coke truly necessary market entrance in third and fourth-level urban communities. Huiyan avoid less-developed areas because they think the customers in that area are too poor to purchase high-cost foreign products. But on the other side, Coke was grabbing this chance to achieve less-developed markets . They are the place where the genuine customer development will come in the following decade. The marketing campaign of Coca-Cola in order to introducing new soft drink in the Chinese market was unsuccessful because retain the dominant manufacturer of juice the Chinese market. The other manufactures in China likeWang Lao and Huiyan Ji, as these manufacturers offer high-quality products with affordable price to the customer and also have effective marketing strategies which enable them to maintain dominant position in the Chinese market. Thus, the marketing strategies of these companies impact the profitability of Coke which will result in losing its market share in the industry. Conclusion From this report, it has been concluded that marketing campaign assumes a critical part in enhancing the brand awareness among the customers. This report explains the main reasons for the failed marketing campaign of Coca-Cola in China. References Cugelman, B., Thelwall, M., Dawes, P. (2011). Online interventions for social marketing health behavior change campaigns: a meta-analysis of psychological architectures and adherence factors.Journal of medical Internet research,13(1). Kaplan, A. M., Haenlein, M. (2011). 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